Returns and/or exchanges from any address in the USA are free. This even includes the return shipping for which we provide pre-paid return-shipping labels. Please see instructions further below.
Our normal return period is 45 days from the date of purchase.
If this is a gift exchange, no charges will be applied to the person that gave you the gift. You can return/exchange for any reason as long as the garment has not been worn, washed, or damaged and they must have the original hang-tags still affixed.
If you have questions regarding the length of your jijamas, please watch this quick video before processing your return (instructions below).
Instructions to request exchange/return online:
Please click the link below. You will need your shipping zip code and your order number, which can be found on the packing slip and/or in the confirmation email you received when purchasing. Simply follow the prompts and print out a pre-paid return shipping label to be used with the post office (you can give it to your mailman too). We will refund you (or issue you store credit if you prefer) as soon as we receive the item you are sending back and notify you when that happens. If needed, see instructions below to see how to pack the item being sent back to us.
Click here to start your online return
Please click the link below. You will need the shipping zip code and the order number, which can be found on the packing slip and/or in the confirmation email you received when purchasing. Simply follow the prompts to choose the item you want to receive in exchange. You can exchange for the same item in a different size, or for a different item altogether.
After selecting the item you want, print out the pre-paid return shipping label to be used with the post office (you can give it to your mailman too). We will ship the replacement item to you as soon as soon as you ship the returned item back to us. Please see instructions below to see how to pack the item being sent back to us.
Click here to start your online exchange
Gifts: returns & exchanges
If you received jijamas as a gift and wish to return or exchange them, please click the button below and follow the "gift" link to send us your information. One of our associates will contact you to provide a pre-paid return-shipping label. We will keep this private and not let the purchaser know unless you tell us to do so.
Click here to process a gift exchange/return
Need Help?
If you need assistance or prefer to have us help you with the process (instead of using our automated returns/exchanges system), please click here to email us. Or, you can call us at 201-485-8491, we’ll be glad to assist you to make this as simple as possible.
Please note:
Costs associated with expedite-shipping (which are optional) are not reimbursed.
Exchanges/returns on purchases made from outside the USA will carry shipping costs. If you are returning from outside the USA, please click here to email us to start the return process. Shipping costs to and from countries outside the USA are not reimbursed with exchanges or returns.
Packaging instructions when sending items back to us:
1) Prepare the shipment:
3) Leave for mailman to pick-up or drop it off at the post office (no need to wait in line, simply give it to them).
You do not need to make any payments for shipping, it's free to you. Only ship with the United States Postal Service (USPS). We are not responsible for any costs incurred to return your purchase if you don’t use our shipping label or if you use any other shipment method.